3. MinerWrangler Install & Config
Configuring and installing the MinerWrangler scripts.
Installation and configuration
Open your equivalent of Terminal. I recommend iTerm2 for MacOS users.
SSH into your rig:
ssh rigusr@ipaddress
Replace rigusr with the username of the server and the rigip with the ip of the rig.
Download and run the first MinerWrangler install script:
git clone https://github.com/NikolaiTeslovich/minerwrangler.git
&& cd minerwrangler && chmod +x install1.sh && sudo ./install1.sh
After your rig reboots it will disconnect. SSH into it again and run the second install script. Select lightdm as the default display manager:
cd minerwrangler && sudo ./install2.sh
Then, after yet another reboot, run the configuration script:
cd minerwrangler && ./config.sh
By default, the script is setup to mine at the ethermine.org pool.
Overclocking, power & fan control
Almost there! Overclock, change the power limit and fan speeds of the graphics cards by using nano to modify the clockfan.sh script to your needs:
nano clockfan.sh
I recommend experimenting with the power limit, fan speeds, memory and core clock speeds to find the highest hash rate, yet efficient and stable settings. The default speeds of +1000Mhz (+500Mhz) memory and +150Mhz core are a good starting point.
Keep in mind that for different algorithms, different overclocks work best. For instance, as Ethash (ETH) is memory-intensive, so increasing memory rather than core yields better results. KawPoW (RVN) is more core intensive, so the opposite would be true.
After you are done making changes, exit with Ctrl-X followed by Y to save changes. A script to overclock is in the works.
Start mining
At last, start mining with the mine.sh script. Don’t forget to run the clockfan.sh script first to apply the overclock to the GPUs if you haven’t done that already:
sudo ./clockfan.sh && ./mine.sh
The clockfan script requires sudo permissions to overclock.
If you have the ETHlargementPill
If you have the OhGodAnETHlargementPill installed for GDDR5X GPUs, you need to enter into that screen and type in your sudo password for the memory timings to take effect:
screen -R pill
Again, exit the screen using Ctrl-A followed by D.
See that hashrate
I’m sure you want to see your hashrate (and some other GPU stats):
screen -R eth
Exit the screen using Ctrl-A followed by D.
Let it be
Speaking words of wisdom, let it mine peacefully (exit the ssh session):
How To Use Linux Screen, Screen User’s Manual, How to Use Nano.